Explore the traits we believe are the most important for housing superheroes to save the day!

Move over Marvel Universe, there’s a new superhero in our lives; Captain Housing Managers! (okay, the name needs work). In the coming weeks, we will break down the key attributes (super powers) of what we believe to be the ultimate housing manager superhero.

Superpower #1: Patience

This superpower is really applicable for anyone with a front-line, dealing with the public kind of job. Resisting the urge to scream when someone asks you the same question 6 times, or when you get a whole life story when you ask “what event are you attending?” while making a reservation, this is a skill developed with patience over time and one that not everyone is gifted with.

Housing managers also work with hotel partners. Dealing with hotels overselling rooms, walking guests, having to deal with unfinished renovations that were promised to be done before your guests arrived, post reconciliation… and that does not even begin to cover the training, re-training, re-re-training with every hotel partner they work with.
Being able to remain calm during these conversations is such a crucial key to being a Housing Manager Superhero.

Handling these types of conversations and situations is not for the faint of heart, and a great Housing Manager Superhero is the type of person who can easily hide how much work goes into remaining calm, cool and collected.

Need to work on this super power?

There are countless reminders in the world today to take a moment to breathe, meditate and calm down. Here are a few of our favourite practices:

  • Calm App for when you need a quick 2-minute ‘breather’
  • Headspace for when you are ready to embark on a mediation journey
  • Seeing someone’s Outward Triangle is a fantastic way to build empathy towards others.
  • When all else fails, liquor cart and dance party always helps!

Stay tuned next week for the reveal of Superpower #2…

To Be Continued….

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