How Your Next Event Can Help a Disaster Zone Get Back on it's Feet

With climate change intensifying the severity and frequency of natural disasters, destinations around the world are at risk.


However, don’t be too quick to write off affected areas from your list of potential locations to host your next event. Disaster zones can get back up and running sooner than you might think, and your event is pivotal in helping them recover.

Events Help Disaster Zones Recover


Natural disasters are a double-whammy blow to destinations. Not only does the damage need to be repaired, but it must be done while revenues are taking a serious hit. Not surprisingly, any income during this period is extremely helpful. That is where event planners come in. By holding your event in an area recovering from a natural disaster, you are bringing in much-needed business that will help the local economy recover.

After the bushfires blazed through Australia, Federal Minister for Tourism Simon Birmingham stated, “Tourism is the lifeblood of so many communities around Australia and it’s absolutely critical that we help to get people back visiting those communities that rely on tourism.”

You Might Be the First to Experience a New and Improved Venue

In today’s hustle and bustle, it can be hard for hotels to find time to carry out renovations or make improvements to the facilities without disrupting guests or foregoing revenue. However, a silver lining of a natural disaster is that since the hotel is already closed for repairs, it’s a great opportunity to upgrade facilities. By booking your event at a location that has recently reopened after a disaster, you’ll be one of the first to enjoy the upgrades.

Attendees Will Gain a New Perspective

Most people’s exposure to disaster zones is limited to what they see on TV. Having attendees travel to a place that is still in the process of recovering, and putting them in contact with locals can allow them to gain a deeper appreciation of the impact of natural disasters. They are likely to return home with a different perspective. 

For conferences organized around themes like resilience, overcoming obstacles or recovering from adversity, holding your event in a recovering area might be particularly apropos.

How to Go About It

If you are considering holding your event in a region that is recovering from a disaster, it is essential that you visit the site before making your decision. Different regions and different properties take longer to recover than others. It’s important to see first-hand the state of the venue and determine whether its operations have returned to a point where it would be able to accommodate your event. Other considerations include whether there will be ongoing construction while your event is taking place and the impact that might have on your event. Be sure to stay in regular contact with the property so that you are kept up-to-date regarding opening timelines, delays and other issues that could affect your event.

All in all, holding your event in recovering disaster zone is not without its risks. However, the rewards that come from helping a community get back on its feet, exposing attendees to something different and potentially being the first to enjoy a freshly renovated venue make it an avenue worth considering for your future events.

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