Learn how to leverage your housing and registration data to help drive attendance to future events
Learn how to leverage your housing and registration data to help drive attendance to future events
Disruptive Innovation – How to change the game fearlessly with Miki Agrawal
Have you ever considered the opportunities that a disaster affected area holds for your meetings and events?
Ever thought of what you should NOT be doing as an event planner in light of industry disruption?
How often do you actually get to know the person sitting next to you at a conference?
How do event planners make money with room blocks when hotels cut their commissions and attendees seek home style accommodation ?
Change in any industry is inevitable but with the right tools in place all obstacles can be overcome.
Is AIrbnb Events a potential obstacle or an asset to the event planners using traditional room blocks?
The best events are those that allow attendees to find their tribe and create meaningful connections with the people around them.
Just because your software is GDPR compliant, doesn’t mean you are!