Explore the traits we believe are the most important for housing superheroes to save the day!

Superpower #4: Passion

Anyone associated with the hospitality/tourism industry has got to be passionate about what they are doing. This industry is not for the faint of heart and if you don’t truly care about what you’re doing, you won’t last.


The most successful Housing Manager Superheroes we know are the ones that take things to the next level. It’s more than just ‘get an event live and add inventory’, they go the extra mile by learning photoshop skills, or HTML skill to really make their attendees touchpoints pop.


Furthermore, they have a passion for ensuring their attendees’ experience is nothing short of memorable. By anticipating guests’ needs, they are prepared to solve any inquiry that comes their way. Building strong, lasting relationships with attendees, hotel partners, event organizers, these Housing Manager Superheroes make people want to work with them over and over again. This applies not only to attendees but your hotel partners as well.


A great way to gauge your efforts is through an Net Promoter Score (NPS). It’s a basic question that asks “how likely are you to recommend this service to a friend or colleague”. This should be asked of your attendees and hotel partners after every event.


Revenue generation can result from this superpower as well and those lacking this superpower are known to put a block live and move on, never to revisit it again. The true superpower comes when you are constantly monitoring your blocks, acquiring more inventory on days you are close to sold out, recognizing when certain properties are picking up more than others, knowing why, and accommodating that accordingly (Sometimes that property that has the highest rates and is furthest from the venue is just not desirable).


Need to work on this superpower?

Here are a few resources we believe will help you master the superpower to build:

And there you have it! The 4 superpowers every Housing Manager Superhero must possess. So, are YOU a superhero?

Check out Superpowers 1-3 here;

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